W2C at Cirque Éloize!


May 14, 2019

By Tatiana Sanchez

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W2C at Cirque Éloize!

We are proud to have contributed to and attended the Cirque Éloize Annual Benefit Gala on the theme “Le jardin de roses.” We had the honour of going there accompanied by two of our clients; Ms. Valérie Raffaud from 8D Technologies and Mr. André Luciano from Centre de conditionnement ATLANTIS.

It was a magical evening during which Cirque acrobats delivered a colourful performance. The proceeds from this benefit gala organized by Cirque Éloize allow them to create original works and showcase their artists from around the world!

Congratulations to all their artists!

In the photo, from left to right: 

Carl-Olivier Boivin, Business Development at W2C.
Valérie Raffaud from 8D Technologies.
Marilyn Bigras, HR and Training Coordinator at W2C.
André Luciano from Centre de conditionnement ATLANTIS.

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